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Help keep Startline going!

Startline Podcast

Ready. Steady. Go!

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Are you ready? I'm here to edutain  (educate and entertain) you about the world of dog sports, primarily agility. Join me as I discuss my journey, share successes, laughs and failures. I'll talk about training and effective ways to work with your teammate. I'll also speak with special guests & other trainers. My hope is to help you grow in the sport we all love.

Every journey is different, but they all start with the startline. 

We have a Patreon Page

 Extend your class time for just $10 a month

Video Review with an Action Plan

Wish you could get a second class in or another set of eyes on your agility journey, now you can!

It’s easy to miss things in the moment. Let me review your training and trial videos to provide indications of how to improve your performance or offer help to your dog.

Click here to learn more and get started 


How does it work

Once you start your membership, I will send you a link to a Dropbox folder to upload your videos. Don't worry, if you are not familiar with dropbox we can use google drive or YouTube, I'll make this easy for you.


Get in touch with us!

Thanks for submitting!

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